Today's ever changing business environment demands one constant:
reliable information technology—dependable hardware, infallible software, unimpeachable
service, and proven support. Managing this complex and rapidly changing world of technology can be an overwhelming task to many business people. That's why they rely on IBS.
IBS Technology Consultants provides the hardware, software, service, and support
you can count on.
- By providing the best hardware at the best price IBS insures maximum value for your investment. Strategically partnered with the leading technology manufacturers in the United States—Dell, Microsoft, Liebert, Cisco, Watchguard, HP, Nortell, and others—IBS offers aggressive pricing on top-quality computer and voice systems' hardware and software.
- We know that all software has the potential for fallibility. That's why our systems engineers analyze your business' total technical infrastructure. Then provide complete solutions to the challenges you face, including multiple options for back-up, complete redundancy, and off-site disaster recovery plans.
- At IBS we live by one rule: If your systems go down, we're out of business.
- Reliable information technology depends on many relationships, from system components to software applications to network integrity. And IBS has the technical, programming, and project management expertise to assume responsibility for them all. But more important to us, we have long-standing client and supplier relationships which can be earned only one way: through performance.
DITTO, the most cutting edge back-up and data recovery system on the market is now available for small to mid-size businesses and home offices...more>>